Friday, 23 March 2012

The reason I love the imperial guard army.

It is such a good army to play with I believe. Fair enough the infantry is fairly weak but the tanks and vehicles are amazing. I love the way imperial guards are the modern day army in the 40k universe. Anyway, I dont really like the space marines which my friend suggested, but I think the imperial guard look much better. When I told my friend I was going to be collecting imperial guard he laughed in my face and said you are such a noob. A few months later my army list consists of one Volcory, three imperial guardsman squads, two HQ squads, one sentinel (which my mate says looks like a VW campervan!), one storm bolter crew, one mortor crew and two hydrocannon crew. That's my army list at the mo. Please leave comments on any dislikes of the imperial guard, any likes of the imperial guard or any questions or queries. By the way this is a picture I found on the internet and is not a picture of my army. Probably will be uploading a picture of my army soon. Bye guys and gals.

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